
Crossroads and choices we make

Man is born as a seed; he can become a flower, he may not. It all depends on you, what you do with yourself; it all depends on you whether you grow or you don’t. It is your choice and each moment the choice has to be faced; each moment you are on the crossroads.


Each moment we are on the crossroads … the choice we make defines our future, present and past!


Well done Telangana Police

Tomorrow I will analyse for morality and ethics … today I want to just revel in the swift justice by execution of the animals aka Rapists……. especially when I read about Jyoti Singh’s mom still fighting in court or Unnao rape victim set ablaze.

Analysis is for some other day and today me as women is unabashedly supporting swift justice

Well done Telangana Police


Gratitude – 21 days challenge

So for next 21 days I am going to recognise 3 things I am grateful for!

Day 1 – this is generic Thank you for everything so far that has happened in my life – nature, my parents, my husband, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends, teachers, relatives, people I have met, places i have visited, experiences i had which have shaped my personality, my first job, and all other jobs since then, the great company I work for , fantastic colleagues, people who believe in me, people who have doubts about me, people who put me down, my admirers, my critics, my haters, the beautiful house I live in, amazing foods I eat, my house helpers who have made my life so comfortable, artists whose art I enjoy (music, movies, paintings, books, buildings, fridge magnets, clothes, jewellery, shoes), banks , investment planner, doctors, medicines, healthcare centers, car I drive, my phone, my TV , Netflix, Amazon prime membership, my Kindle and kindle unlimited subscription, the roaming plan my phone company provides, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Emails and spam folder, religion I am born into, gurudwaras, Prayers, Alexa, my bose headset and speakers, glasses of wines, Coffee for keeping me awake in boring meetings, My. Camera for letting me capture moments in time and space,……..phew 😀

In summary :

Love · Notes to Self

Love myself – I do

“Love myself ……………I do.

Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad.

I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline.

I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I’m tired.

I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken.

I am proud of everything that I am and will become.”

Johnny Weir


Sometimes it seems as if a shadow is cast on you from nowhere. Broken away, it falls in your path, and you have to carry it along with you to whichever part of the world you go-in search of the entity from which it broke off.

Shadows have a reality longer than is recognised. Faces too have a reality. But for how long? Shadows for as long as you like. For a lifetime, if you will.
Years come and go. They do not wait. Some shadows, on the other hand, hover around us with an existence of their own.
Shadows are related to entities; they are subservient to entities. Yet some do not fit into any such pattern.

Amrita Pritam – Revenue Stamp


Why we divide life into fragments

I wonder why we divide life into fragments, the business life, social life, family life, religious life, the life of sport and so on? Why is there this division, not only in ourselves but also socially – we they, you and me, love and hate, dying and living?

I think we ought to go into this question rather deeply to find out if there is a way of life in which there is no division at all between living and dying, between the conscious and the unconscious, the business and social life, the family life and the individual life.

These divisions between nationalities, religions, classes, all this separation in oneself in which there is so much contradiction – why do we live that way? It breeds such turmoil, conflict, war; it brings about real insecurity, outwardly as well as inwardly.

There is so much division, as God and the devil, the good and the bad, ‘what should be’ and ‘what is.’

J. Krishnamurti

Thanksgiving… a day of gratitude

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough

 Meister EckhartHow easy is to say these two simple words – “THANK YOU” but how many times we just ignore saying this to all those who matter – all those we have taken for granted,  all those who have given so much to us in this life , all those who keep on loving us, helping us, blessing us and making our life easy by just being there!

Would like to take this day to acknowledge their contributions in my life.

  • My parents – my MOM who in the age of birth control and family planning still decided to bring me in this world and bore my pain for 9 months; my DAD  for being most important person in my life and unabashedly spoiling me 
  • My husband/best friend – for treating like God’s blessing to him and loving me unconditionally, for always being there , for believing in me, being my biggest support and my being my biggest critic
  • My parent-in-laws who treated and loved me more than their own daughter. For always believing in me and giving me wings to fly.
  • Blessings in my life – my maternal aunts and uncles – who treated like their own daughter and made me feel so special all through my life
  • My paternal aunts and uncles who were always there when I needed them and even when I didn’t need them 🙂 . Having this assurance that they always have my back is the best feeling in world
  • My siblings (including my cousins and brother/sister-in laws since we were raised as one big extended family) for the best support system in the world. I don’t know what I would have done without all of you spoil brats in my life – for being my partners-in-crime or teasing me to death. My eldest sister for my biggest support system and my youngest brother for teaching me what selfless love is.
  • My awesome niece and nephews – for the awesome photo ops 😉 – for bringing my childhood back , for teaching me what innocence and unconditional love is all about! 
  • All my ancestors – who converted to Sikhism and gave me opportunity to be born in this fearless warrior community which has shaped my personality to large extent.
  • All my teachers who have shaped my thought process and pushed me to challenge my limits
  • My friends – the soul connections I have been able to discover over all these years – all those who are still in touch and continue to inspire & motivate me and even those with whom  I have lost touch – your purpose in my life for that defined time period is something I am thankful for and thanks for crossing my path.
  • My mentors – who helped me chart my career and bring out the potential in me which i never thought existed. My superiors in Eclipse Systems & Grundfos – who taught me what it really means to be a leader, to push my limits and to take any challenge heads on.
  • Thank Almighty power GOD for blessing me, always having my back and showering me with love and blessings of the kind souls in my life.